Lowball Insurance Estimates on Longmont Hail Claims

There is a 95% chance this will happen and it’s not for the reason you might think.  When an insurance adjuster agrees to buy you a new roof, he will quote you a “standard” roof.  A standard roof has underlayment, shingles (or tile, metal, etc.), ridge cap, ventilation, and nails.   But that adjuster can’t see what is under your current outer layer.   You may have rotted decking that will need to be replaced as part of the process.  Also, he usually doesn’t account for the dozens of different code requirements across the state.  These codes will require additional items like ice and water shield, drip edge, valley metal, etc. In addition, there could also be things like damaged gutters, or windows, that the adjuster missed.  

The Importance of Roofing Contractors in Longmont CO 

The insurance company is totally ok with your contractor asking for more money to cover additional work.  They expect it to happen as a normal part of the process.  It’s not like the personal injury lawyer commercials you see on TV.  Don’t worry, you don’t need “The Strong Arm”.  In fact, this process is not contentious at all, it’s routine.   This is called insurance supplementing and it’s crucial part of the insurance claim process. It’s also crucial to have a Longmont Roofing contractor that is intimately familiar with Colorado building codes, insurance laws and procedures to make sure you get everything covered.  

After the insurance company approves the supplement, they will issue you a new scope which includes these increased amounts. These supplemental amounts will become due and payable to your contractor once the work has been completed.  Remember that additional supplements approved by your insurance company do not increase your out-of-pocket costs whatsoever. In most cases, your only out of pocket expense will be your deductible.  

Supplements are additional money that the insurance company has agreed to pay your Longmont roofing contractor for the additional work performed and materials provided.  This is not money that you are entitled to keep, as it raises the same insurance fraud issues discussed as covering, waiving, or rebating your deductible. 

Insurance Claim Experts for Longmont Hail Damage 

At Colorado Superior Roofing, we are insurance claims experts. We even have former insurance adjusters on staff.  CSR is also A+ rated with the BBB and Preferred Roofers with Team Dave Logan.   Our insuracne experts will work with you through the entire process to make sure you get all the damage from hail covered and you are paid everything you are entitled to. We can handle all the red tape for you and work directly with your insurance company. 

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