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There are several types of roofing shingles you can choose from, each one with specific advantages. In terms of durability, metal shingles work the best, but the other types can be suitable due to other benefits they provide.

Wood shingles

If you like traditional constructions, you could cover your house with wooden shingles. These have great thermal insulating properties and can withstand all weather conditions. Such a roof is very flexible, like all things made from natural materials, and has no problems with heat expansion or shrinkage at low temperatures. The simple treatment of wood shingles with special protection solution makes them more resistant to water and even to fire.

Asphalt shingles

Asphalt shingles are flexible and easy to install. This material is suitable for any Parker roofing project, protecting it from rain, moisture, frost and heat. It can be installed in any climatic zone.

Due to its composition, it is perfectly waterproof. It also insulates the house well, so that heat is not lost through the roof. However it is the least durable material (15-20 years, compared to 30-40 years in the case of wood shingles and with over 50 years, in the case of metal shingles).

Metal shingles

Their shape, texture and structure do not differ from the original wood shingles, imitating them faithfully. The roof covered with this material, besides the unique appearance, is characterized by low operating costs and comes close to the lifespan of a roof made of ceramic tiles.

It is an attractive, functional and lightweight roofing option, with special decorative values.

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